Track Spot LED Light
  • HG5-7W Anglo series led down light

  • HG5-7W Anglo series led down light

  • HG5-7W Anglo series led down light

  • HG5-7W Anglo series led down light

HG5-7W Anglo series led down light

in Angslo seriea of products, the tamp body adopts spin design, compact lamp structure
tamp Body bpO the trama n sasy to dBassembl. or rtslaiL the frame can be
enMded insttfialion. Ths lamp body can bs  staled after painting to improve the
conttrudlon and hstaitetlon progms, To tactttate the maintenance and management
of lamps kn the conamjclbon shs., lumMre wticsl>  end mechanical
properties of horizontal 335*ad$uBtable make the beam mon comforuble
and prsdas combinsd with ths space.
Exqulslle elHclroplaling auriace treatmanl art, ustig ths 政qu. nano dust - pmof
technology, the ceflecto, surface has long bwn Mke new, fl Is also ww-mMant
end anH-hord scratches,
Preciae apilca) design, pure light color, perfect Rght spot to craste excellem
ightaiga, willi reftedor and lens two kinds of light control methods to meet the
preferarn»s ot different desigrtBrs. habits and needs ol diferent placss.
Patent optical lena zoom design, |ha ftxtire can wairale tfsnsfonn beam
angle to 17n,25',36* In any time to meet tfie 吨Ming requirements of dlffewit
M&nas end llutninaiian objects. K has multiple deep anti-glBfe design, shading
^ntaf than 30 degrees, craam a confortable uniting anviiunnMiit
Angelo series can also have high-power of smail-size lamp body . Break ttitough (ha
boiBarwdc of sMIa,products pwfannan™, product tnora creaihrtty and advangtage

Product Description



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